Commander "Sobol´" of 37th Battalion in Berdyanske

About me

My name is Corneliu Cazacu and I am a Danish-Romanian photographer and writer based in Munich, Germany. Specialised in nature/architecture/reportage and music photography (

Published in newspapers and magazines such as National Geographic, Romania libera, Foreign Policy, EUobserver, Dilema veche, etc. As a music photographer provided images for the website and tour posters of Banned from Utopia, the US Frank Zappa tribute band, and Robert Martin, its leader. Collaborations with several other bands and musicians, in particular those participating in the yearly Zappanale festival in Germany.. 

Winner of two first prizes and a second prize in the "Mihai Vasile" photography contest organised by the Romanian Centre for Investigative Journalism, Romania, 2015 (

Winner of the SIR photo contest Munich, 2016 (photographing integration of refugees in Munich).

Published in the April 2015 National Geographic US edition (two-page spread).

 IPA - int´l professional awards 2016 - Honorable Mention - Nature : Sunset Category

Winner of Travel Photographer Society contest 2017 (People & Culture;

Honorable mentions at the MonoVisions photography awards:

Finalist of the Romanian Photographer of the year 2018 contest, Photojournalism

Honorable Mention in the International Photography Awards Oneshot / Street Photo Contest 2019

Some of my photographs can be found in private collections in the US, Germany, France, Denmark, Romania, etc.


"O viata dubla: Intre Est si Vest" (December 2020)

Zappanale 2009-2019 (July 2022)


  • 1996-1997: Plougmann & Vingtoft Headquarters, Copenhagen, Denmark
  • 1998-2016: Collective yearly exhibition in the European Patent Office, Munich, Germany
  • March 11, 2015: Presentation of Maidan revolution photos and participation in the panel debate "Ukraine in the eyes of Eastern European Intelligentsia" in Bruxelles, Belgium
  • September 6-20, 2017: UDLAENGSEL: Solo exibition at the TRIPTYCH Global Arts Workshop Gallery, Kiev, Ukraine
  • October 7 - November 3, 2017: MAGIC AND LOSS: Solo exhibition at Monumento a Estacio de Sa, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil